Sunday, July 29, 2018

July Whites

Santa Cruz Mountains, CA

Easter lilies are not really a spring plant. Pure white and deeply scented, they’re symbolic of springtime resurrection. And yet, left to their own devices they prefer summer blooming.

Two Easters ago, my friend Jean gave me some potted lilies from her church. She had success in naturalizing them in her landscape. I tried them out in a bigger pot.

The first year they took a bloom break. But this year the many-blossomed stalks produced a show of glowing white lilies, filling the air with sweet scent similar to honeysuckle, but stronger.

As old blossoms fade, new blossoms take over the role of brightening the yard with light, bright flowers and heavy fragrance. Lovely July Whites!

And the show continues throughout July, as it will throughout most Julys from now on. So, don’t throw out your old Easter lilies. Plant them in the garden and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. I sketched one that I saw blooming in Ashland OR in June. They are lovely.
