About This Blog

Red Rose with Yellow Leaves and Cloudy Sky in Background
The Autumn Rose of Boise
Shortly after launching my Seasonal Eating blog in 2011, I started thinking about other seasonal activities that I enjoy. I noticed that whenever I had a spot for a non-food-specific photograph, I’d snap a few photos of nature doing its thing in our neighborhood. The Recipes Links by Month pages in particular evolved into records of the changes in foliage, flowers, and light throughout the year. These photos reflect my fascination with the seasonal cycle and how nature adapts to them, always producing something new and different.

The focus of Seasonal Eating is practical—how to use in-season produce and tips for cooks and gardeners—and reader-oriented—telling stories about family, cultural, and contemporary recipes. The focus of Seasonal Photography is aesthetic and vision-oriented. Though I use words, images are used to convey the majority of each story. In addition, the viewer is encouraged to make up his or her own story about each group of photos based upon personal perceptions, emotions, interests, and mythology.

Nature and travel are two of my main interests, and I anticipate that they will be the subjects of many of my images. However, the seasonal theme is meant to apply broadly, to give Seasonal Photography a life of its own, the freedom to develop in whatever way it will.

For me, the best part of photography is the feeling that I get before taking the shot, the sense of place and beauty that I perceive. This might or might not come across in the final image, and like all photographers I discard many more images than I keep. My second favorite part of photography is hearing about how my images resonate with others. There’s great beauty in the fact that we all perceive things differently, in ways that reflect our diverse backgrounds and personalities. I invite you to share any comments that you might have, and to tell your own stories about my images.

All images on Seasonal Photography are copyrighted, and may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission (send requests to SeasonalTravelPhoto AT gmail.com). Noncommercial reuse of images is fine, as long as you credit Seasonal Photography and add a link back to this website. The beautiful 4-season banner images are created and copyrighted by Bulgarian artist Martin Malchev. Check him out at http://www.martinmalchev.com/.

Welcome Seasonal Photography. Enjoy!

Robin Horn
SeasonalTravelPhoto-AT-gmail.com (replace -AT- with @)

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